Monday, July 24, 2006

Low-cost fun

Despite moaning about being broke in Saturday's post, I still managed to go out and have waaaaay to much fun that night. I suck at saving money. Now I have to go and sell some books or CD's to a second hand dealer just so that I can afford to eat for the next couple of days.

Oh well, I need the shelfspace anyway...

Saturday night started with a performance of Balletlab's latest production Origami (hurrah for complimentary tickets!) at the VCA in Southbank. I'm not fluent in the language of dance, so such performances sometimes leave me cold, but this was a great show: intricate, breathtaking, whimsical, moving and clever, with a great score by David Chisolm, and wonderful interaction between the dancers and the stage design. You can read a review of the show here in The Australian, or here in The Age.

Next up I headed onto The Order of Melbourne, a relatively new bar in the city (apparently it's been open for about three months, but I can't wait to imbibe on its rooftop bar come more clement weather), where Gideon, one of the staff from Melbourne Fringe, was having his birthday drinks. I only stayed for about an hour, which was long enough to have a couple of champagnes bought for me - thanks Damien! - and partake in conversations in which who was seeing what at MIFF seemed to be the dominant concerns.

Finally it was on to Witness Protection Program Social Club's 7th birthday at the Public Office in West Melbourne. Now I've been going to Witness for a while, but tend not to like the Public Office parties as much; they attract more a club crowd (shirtless drugfucked muscleboys) when compared to the parties at Yeltza, which attract more your avant-guarde Fitzroyalty. Saturday night's party, however, was great fun. Not too crowded - perhaps because another gay party, Beyond, was on the same night; perhaps because of the weather. Who knows?

Either way, I stayed much longer than intended, drank more than I could afford (scored a couple of free drinks too, from friends who hadn't made it to my birthday a few weeks previously) and had an excellent time. I didn't dance that much, amittedly, but then I rarely go out to dance any more; these days I just tend to socialise.

Eventually I walked home to Fitzroy and fell into bed at about 5am, after resisting the temptation to drop into Control HQ for a nightcap on the way home...

Apart from lunch with a friend Andrew, who's just home from a holiday in Iceland, England and Spain, Sunday was understandably rather quiet as a consequence of the previous evening!

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